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Bainany Minyan

I'm a Bainany, are you?

Every Shabbos in our very own BAINANY ROOM!

The Bainany boys are, as their name explains, the "in betweeners". An incredibly successful program, Bainany caters to boys in 1st and 2nd grade, acting as the "in between" from Mini to Main!  Their davening style models a shul, with a weekly Chazzan and saying every word. They also have time for games, stories, free play, snacks and parsha.


The highlight is joining the main KYY shul, to get a taste of davening with a Minyan. Joining for Maftir, Hagbah and Gelila, they stand in their designated box in front of shul, observing everything and taking it in. Every week the top Bainany davener gets chosen to help with Gelila!


Check out the Bainany room this year for a brand new edition....your very own prize cabinet!!


Bainany's also have program throughout the year! 

Be sure to check here for events which take place during the year. In the past, the Bainany has had Father-and-Son Soccer games, Bike-a-thons to raise money for Chai Lifeline, Yud Aleph Nissan rally and pan writing, pizza parties and so much! 


Plus, being that we are in the process of integrating the Bainany's into the main KYY shul, they too participate in our REWARD PROGRAMS!! (see Ezras Anoshim/Noshim pages for more details). 




“Rabbi T is the funnest! I love coming to Bainany every shabbos. And when we have activities during the week, like that time we cleaned our room for Pesach and then walked to Pizza. 

My favorite part is getting to be chazzan and joining KYY for Hagbah and have all the kids say 'I'm a Bainany, are you?'

Director and Coordinator

Chief Rabbi T


Rabbi Yitzchok, also known as Chief Bainany, runs the Bainany group Shabbos in and Shabbos out, with dedication. His goal is to make all the boys feel welcome within the room and create an atmosphere of Derech Eretz and Ahavas Yisroel. 

Mendel M

© Kol Yakov Yehuda, The Rebbe's Diamond Daveners   I    The Shul for the Kids by the Kids    I    Under the Auspices of Cong. Levi Yitzchok

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